Software de uso livre ou gratuito

Software de uso livre ou gratuito útil para a visualização ou acesso a resultados analíticos e sua manipulação.


Espectros Imagens Outros programas

Espectros ^

  • IRPal
    Wolf van Heeswijk
    IRPal is a program that may come in quite handy in interpreting IR-spectra of organic compounds. It includes a small database that is suitable for global assignments of functional groups and structure-elements but the database can be modified, extended and tailored to specific needs.

Imagens ^

  • Irfanview
    Irfan Skiljan
    IrfanView is a fast, compact and innovative freeware (for non-commercial use) graphic viewer for Windows.
  • JPEGView
    JPEGView is a lean, fast and highly configurable viewer/editor for JPEG, BMP, PNG, WEBP, TGA, GIF and TIFF images with a minimal GUI. Basic on-the-fly image processing is provided – allowing adjusting typical parameters as sharpness, color balance, rotation, perspective, contrast and local under-/overexposure.
  • XnView MP
    Pierre-Emmanuel Gougelet
    XnView MP is a versatile and powerful photo viewer, image management, image resizer. XnView is one of the most stable, easy-to-use, and comprehensive photo editors. All common picture and graphics formats are supported (JPEG, TIFF, PNG, GIF, WEBP, PSD, JPEG2000, OpenEXR, camera RAW, HEIC, PDF, DNG, CR2).

Outros programas ^

  • Color Slide Rule
    This freeware package performs conversion of color data between different expressions for a given illuminant and observer, including also whiteness data. Conversions are possible between (Rx,Ry,Rz), (X,Y,Z), (Y,x,y), CIE-L*a*b*, Hunter-Lab, RGB, sRGB, Whiteness CIE and dominant wavelength and vice versa. Whiteness equations include whiteness indices after CIE, Ganz-Griesser (nominal parameters), Uchida, Berger, Stensby, Hunter, ASTM, Croes, Taube, Stephanson and Harrison; also yellowness index can be calculated.