Green pigments: tradition and modernity in painting according to Portuguese 19th century technical literature

Pag Sónia Barros dos Santos, António João Cruz, "Green pigments: tradition and modernity in painting according to Portuguese 19th century technical literature", in A. Macchia, E. Greco, B. A. Chiarandà, N. Barbabietola (ed.), YOCOCU. Contribute and Role of Youth in Conservation of Cultural Heritage, Rome, Italian Association of Conservation Scientist, 2011, ISBN 978-88-97484-01-1, pp. 307-318



Abstract The massive industrialization of the nineteenth century societies together with breakthroughs in Chemistry such as the discovery of new elements and compounds, allowed the production of new pigments. In this process, many new synthetic green pigments were added to the painter’s palette. There is a significant lack of information of how the spreading of these products occurred in peripheral countries in Europe. Based in technical literature published in Portugal between 1788 and 1904 this study shows that there is in average a large gap between the discovery and the commercialization o f new green colours and their first references in Portuguese technical literature.
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